Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ice-Breaker Speech at Toastmasters'

Allahabad – that great city that churned out five of our prime ministers – also happens to be my birthplace: this latter fact perhaps not as well-known. My early years were unfortunately not spent in idolizing these great exponents of the Allahabad school of achievers, but instead in pursuing one misadventure after another. The first began, when my brothers and I - aged 4, 3 and 2 respectively – set off on a globetrotting quest. Our imaginations and quest for adventure had been fuelled by bed-time stories of Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and the like. Not quite able to comprehend the globe, we did manage to trot about 2 kilometers before pouncing on and polishing off the bundled sandwiches that were to serve us over the next few arduous weeks. No great step has been taken on an empty stomach and so our steps too stopped and thus ended our short-lived careers as world explorers. We waited lamely at a gas station (where we were recognized and adroitly engaged while our home was being called up to report the errant behavior) for our Dad to come and fetch us. Not that this quelled our spirit in the least.

A few years later, on a vacation to Hazaribagh, the idea of starting a forest fire struck us as quite an awesome way to leave a mark – so to speak. And so while the adults picnicked the three of us gathered sticks, stones, straw, magnifying glasses and anything else that would come in handy. Unfortunately, the picnic did not last long enough for us to be able to start a forest fire worthy of going down in history but we did manage to light up a patch of grass. Of course, our efforts were sometimes directed at more than self-recognition too. Once when the Municipality truck came driving down the road, we figured it was to take all the stray dogs away to the pound. Horrified that our furry friends would no longer follow us to school, we found a way of bundling them up under our bed till the dreaded truck was gone. The bed, of course, was our parents’ who never really found out what had caused that “foul”smell!

Adolescence - or something like it - struck early and we decided to sneak a pack of Dad’s cigarettes and see what all the fuss was about. Coughing, spluttering and almost in tears – this time we nearly started a fire. Ma came to the rescue soon, though and the only damage was done to our ears!

The years have gone by and I have grown taller in years – but not much in inches, I’m afraid – and all our brilliant plans have now become the stuff of nostalgia. But try as I may, I can still not go through life without keeping an eye out for a possible adventure and every day is an opportunity for finding one.

Hi, I’m Iti and I’m an Operations Lead with the Culture and Communication Program, at Microsoft. I have over twenty years of experience in teaching and training and have worked across governmental, non-governmental and corporate sectors. I love reading, listening to Hindustani classical music, cooking, gardening and connecting with exciting people like yourselves! Look forward to getting to know you all better.

Thank you!

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