Monday, July 26, 2010

Praful Patel- All is Well?

A few days ago while idly surfing through the channels on TV, I came across this strange ad by Sony claiming that there was room for a "fourth idiot" to join the hugely popular band of Rajkumar Hirani's "3 idiots". Reading our honorable Civil Aviation Minister's photo caption in the Hindustan Times this morning I thought Mr. Patel might give every other contestant a run for his money!

How can all be well when Mr. Patel uses the national airlines like his private jagir? His extremely pushy daughter actually gets Air India flights diverted to accommodate cricket players (for whom she is a PR person), leaving hundreds of bona-fide passengers stranded. No, Mr. Patel, all is not well and all will not be well until all passengers are treated fairly and their lives are protected against airplane disasters like the ones we saw earlier this year.

The silver lining to an otherwise dark cloud is the announcement that no jobs will be taken away from Air India employees. Is this the first baby step towards all being well? If so, it is a great beginning and we hope that these baby steps are transformed into giant strides in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to start a movement to amend the Constitution which will require a minimum IQ for people running for public office?
